- Print this page to PDF for the complete set of vectors. Or to use on the desktop, install
, set it as the font in your application, and copy and paste the icons (not the unicode) directly from this page into your designs.
Icons list
- Accept []
- Accident []
- AccidentSolid []
- Accounts []
- ActionCenter []
- ActionCenterAsterisk []
- ActionCenterMirrored []
- ActionCenterNotification []
- ActionCenterNotificationMirrored []
- ActionCenterQuiet []
- ActionCenterQuietNotification []
- Add []
- AddFriend []
- AddRemoteDevice []
- AddSurfaceHub []
- AddTo []
- AdjustHologram []
- Admin []
- Airplane []
- AirplaneSolid []
- AlignCenter []
- AlignLeft []
- AlignRight []
- AllApps []
- AllAppsMirrored []
- Annotation []
- AppIconDefault []
- Apps []
- AreaChart []
- ArrowDown8 []
- ArrowLeft8 []
- ArrowRight8 []
- ArrowUp8 []
- AspectRatio []
- Asterisk []
- AsteriskBadge12 []
- Attach []
- AttachCamera []
- Audio []
- Back []
- BackMirrored []
- BackSpaceQWERTYLg []
- BackSpaceQWERTYMd []
- BackSpaceQWERTYSm []
- BackToWindow []
- BackgroundToggle []
- Badge []
- BandBattery0 []
- BandBattery1 []
- BandBattery2 []
- BandBattery3 []
- BandBattery4 []
- BandBattery5 []
- BandBattery6 []
- Bank []
- BarcodeScanner []
- Battery0 []
- Battery1 []
- Battery10 []
- Battery2 []
- Battery3 []
- Battery4 []
- Battery5 []
- Battery6 []
- Battery7 []
- Battery8 []
- Battery9 []
- BatteryCharging0 []
- BatteryCharging1 []
- BatteryCharging10 []
- BatteryCharging2 []
- BatteryCharging3 []
- BatteryCharging4 []
- BatteryCharging5 []
- BatteryCharging6 []
- BatteryCharging7 []
- BatteryCharging8 []
- BatteryCharging9 []
- BatterySaver0 []
- BatterySaver1 []
- BatterySaver10 []
- BatterySaver2 []
- BatterySaver3 []
- BatterySaver4 []
- BatterySaver5 []
- BatterySaver6 []
- BatterySaver7 []
- BatterySaver8 []
- BatterySaver9 []
- BatteryUnknown []
- Beta []
- BidiLtr []
- BidiRtl []
- BlockContact []
- Blocked []
- BlueLight []
- Bluetooth []
- BodyCam []
- Bold []
- BoldF []
- BoldG []
- BoldKorean []
- BoldN []
- BoldRussion []
- Bookmarks []
- BookmarksMirrored []
- Brightness []
- Broom []
- BrowsePhotos []
- BrushSize []
- Bug []
- BuildingEnergy []
- BulletedList []
- BulletedListMirrored []
- Bullseye []
- BumperLeft []
- BumperRight []
- Bus []
- BusSolid []
- ButtonA []
- ButtonB []
- ButtonMenu []
- ButtonView2 []
- ButtonX []
- ButtonY []
- CC []
- CCEuro []
- CCJapan []
- Cafe []
- Calculator []
- CalculatorAddition []
- CalculatorBackspace []
- CalculatorDivide []
- CalculatorEqualTo []
- CalculatorMultiply []
- CalculatorNegate []
- CalculatorPercentage []
- CalculatorSquareroot []
- CalculatorSubtract []
- Calendar []
- CalendarDay []
- CalendarMirrored []
- CalendarReply []
- CalendarSolid []
- CalendarWeek []
- CallForwardInternational []
- CallForwardInternationalMirrored []
- CallForwardRoaming []
- CallForwardRoamingMirrored []
- CallForwarding []
- CallForwardingMirrored []
- CalligraphyFill []
- CalligraphyPen []
- Calories []
- Camera []
- Cancel []
- Caption []
- Car []
- CaretBottomRightSolidCenter8 []
- CaretDownSolid8 []
- CaretLeftSolid8 []
- CaretRight8 []
- CaretRightSolid8 []
- CaretUpSolid8 []
- CashDrawer []
- CellPhone []
- Certificate []
- CharacterAppearance []
- Characters []
- ChatBubbles []
- CheckList []
- CheckMark []
- Checkbox []
- Checkbox14 []
- CheckboxComposite []
- CheckboxComposite14 []
- CheckboxCompositeReversed []
- CheckboxFill []
- CheckboxIndeterminate []
- CheckboxIndeterminateCombo []
- CheckboxIndeterminateCombo14 []
- ChecklistMirrored []
- ChevronDown []
- ChevronDownMed []
- ChevronDownSmall []
- ChevronLeft []
- ChevronLeftMed []
- ChevronLeftSmall []
- ChevronRight []
- ChevronRightMed []
- ChevronRightSmall []
- ChevronUp []
- ChevronUpMed []
- ChevronUpSmall []
- ChineseBoPoMoFo []
- ChineseChangjie []
- ChinesePinyin []
- ChinesePunctuation []
- ChineseQuick []
- ChipCardCreditCardReader []
- ChromeAnnotate []
- ChromeAnnotateContrast []
- ChromeBack []
- ChromeBackContrast []
- ChromeBackContrastMirrored []
- ChromeBackMirrored []
- ChromeBackToWindow []
- ChromeBackToWindowContrast []
- ChromeClose []
- ChromeCloseContrast []
- ChromeFullScreen []
- ChromeFullScreenContrast []
- ChromeMaximize []
- ChromeMaximizeContrast []
- ChromeMinimize []
- ChromeMinimizeContrast []
- ChromeRestore []
- ChromeRestoreContrast []
- ChromeSwitch []
- ChromeSwitchContast []
- CircleFill []
- CircleFillBadge12 []
- CircleRing []
- CircleRingBadge12 []
- CityNext []
- CityNext2 []
- Clear []
- ClearAllInk []
- ClearAllInkMirrored []
- ClearSelection []
- ClearSelectionMirrored []
- Click []
- ClipboardList []
- ClipboardListMirrored []
- ClippingTool []
- Clock []
- ClosePane []
- ClosePaneMirrored []
- Cloud []
- CloudPrinter []
- CloudSeach []
- Code []
- CollapseContent []
- CollapseContentSingle []
- CollateLandscape []
- CollateLandscapeSeparated []
- CollatePortrait []
- CollatePortraitSeparated []
- Color []
- ColorOff []
- CommaKey []
- CommandPrompt []
- Comment []
- Communications []
- CompanionApp []
- CompanionDeviceFramework []
- Completed []
- CompletedSolid []
- Component []
- Connect []
- ConnectApp []
- Connected []
- Construction []
- ConstructionCone []
- ConstructionSolid []
- Contact []
- Contact2 []
- ContactInfo []
- ContactInfoMirrored []
- ContactPresence []
- ContactSolid []
- Copy []
- CopyTo []
- Courthouse []
- Crop []
- CtrlSpatialLeft []
- CtrlSpatialRight []
- Cut []
- DMC []
- DashKey []
- DataSense []
- DataSenseBar []
- DateTime []
- DateTimeMirrored []
- DecreaseIndent []
- DecreaseIndentMirrored []
- DefaultAPN []
- DefenderApp []
- DefenderBadge12 []
- Delete []
- Design []
- DetachablePC []
- DevUpdate []
- DeveloperTools []
- DeviceDiscovery []
- DeviceLaptopNoPic []
- DeviceLaptopPic []
- DeviceMonitorLeftPic []
- DeviceMonitorNoPic []
- DeviceMonitorRightPic []
- Devices []
- Devices2 []
- Devices3 []
- Devices4 []
- Diagnostic []
- Dial1 []
- Dial10 []
- Dial11 []
- Dial12 []
- Dial13 []
- Dial14 []
- Dial15 []
- Dial16 []
- Dial2 []
- Dial3 []
- Dial4 []
- Dial5 []
- Dial6 []
- Dial7 []
- Dial8 []
- Dial9 []
- DialShape1 []
- DialShape2 []
- DialShape3 []
- DialShape4 []
- DialUp []
- Dialpad []
- Dictionary []
- DictionaryAdd []
- DictionaryCloud []
- DirectAccess []
- Directions []
- DisableUpdates []
- DisconnectDisplay []
- DisconnectDrive []
- Dislike []
- Dock []
- DockBottom []
- DockLeft []
- DockLeftMirrored []
- DockRight []
- DockRightMirrored []
- Document []
- DoublePinyin []
- Down []
- DownShiftKey []
- Download []
- DownloadMap []
- Dpad []
- Draw []
- DrawSolid []
- Drop []
- DullSound []
- DullSoundKey []
- DuplexLandscapeOneSided []
- DuplexLandscapeOneSidedMirrored []
- DuplexLandscapeTwoSidedLongEdge []
- DuplexLandscapeTwoSidedLongEdgeMirrored []
- DuplexLandscapeTwoSidedShortEdge []
- DuplexLandscapeTwoSidedShortEdgeMirrored []
- DuplexPortraitOneSided []
- DuplexPortraitOneSidedMirrored []
- DuplexPortraitTwoSidedLongEdge []
- DuplexPortraitTwoSidedLongEdgeMirrored []
- DuplexPortraitTwoSidedShortEdge []
- DuplexPortraitTwoSidedShortEdgeMirrored []
- DynamicLock []
- EMI []
- Ear []
- Earbud []
- EaseOfAccess []
- Edit []
- EditMirrored []
- Education []
- Emoji []
- Emoji2 []
- EmojiSwatch []
- EmojiTabCelebrationObjects []
- EmojiTabFavorites []
- EmojiTabFoodPlants []
- EmojiTabPeople []
- EmojiTabSmilesAnimals []
- EmojiTabSymbols []
- EmojiTabTextSmiles []
- EmojiTabTransitPlaces []
- EndPointSolid []
- EnglishPunctuation []
- Equalizer []
- EraseTool []
- EraseToolFill []
- EraseToolFill2 []
- Error []
- ErrorBadge []
- ErrorBadge12 []
- Ethernet []
- EthernetError []
- EthernetWarning []
- ExpandTile []
- ExpandTileMirrored []
- ExploitProtectionSettings []
- ExploreContent []
- ExploreContentSingle []
- Export []
- EyeGaze []
- Eyedropper []
- Family []
- FastForward []
- Favicon []
- FavoriteList []
- FavoriteStar []
- FavoriteStarFill []
- Feedback []
- FeedbackApp []
- Ferry []
- FerrySolid []
- FileExplorer []
- FileExplorerApp []
- Filter []
- FingerInking []
- Fingerprint []
- FitPage []
- Flag []
- Flashlight []
- FlickDown []
- FlickLeft []
- FlickRight []
- FlickUp []
- Folder []
- FolderFill []
- FolderHorizontal []
- FolderOpen []
- Font []
- FontColor []
- FontColorKorean []
- FontDecrease []
- FontIncrease []
- FontSize []
- FontStyleKorean []
- Forward []
- ForwardMirrored []
- ForwardSm []
- FourBars []
- FreeFormClipping []
- Frigid []
- FullAlpha []
- FullCircleMask []
- FullHiragana []
- FullKatakana []
- FullScreen []
- FuzzyReading []
- GIF []
- Game []
- GameConsole []
- GiftboxOpen []
- GlobalNavigationButton []
- Globe []
- Go []
- GoMirrored []
- GoToStart []
- GotoToday []
- GridView []
- GripperBarHorizontal []
- GripperBarVertical []
- GripperResize []
- GripperResizeMirrored []
- GripperTool []
- Groceries []
- Group []
- GroupList []
- GuestUser []
- HMD []
- HWPInsert []
- HWPJoin []
- HWPNewLine []
- HWPOverwrite []
- HWPScratchOut []
- HWPSplit []
- HWPStrikeThrough []
- HalfAlpha []
- HalfDullSound []
- HalfKatakana []
- HalfStarLeft []
- HalfStarRight []
- Handwriting []
- HangUp []
- HardDrive []
- HeadlessDevice []
- Headphone []
- Headphone0 []
- Headphone1 []
- Headphone2 []
- Headphone3 []
- Headset []
- Health []
- Heart []
- HeartBroken []
- HeartBrokenLegacy []
- HeartFill []
- Help []
- HelpMirrored []
- HideBcc []
- Highlight []
- HighlightFill []
- HighlightFill2 []
- History []
- HolePunchLandscapeBottom []
- HolePunchLandscapeLeft []
- HolePunchLandscapeRight []
- HolePunchLandscapeTop []
- HolePunchOff []
- HolePunchPortraitBottom []
- HolePunchPortraitLeft []
- HolePunchPortraitRight []
- HolePunchPortraitTop []
- HoloLensSelected []
- Home []
- HomeGroup []
- HomeSolid []
- HorizontalTabKey []
- IBeam []
- IBeamOutline []
- IOT []
- ImageExport []
- Import []
- ImportAll []
- ImportAllMirrored []
- Important []
- ImportantBadge12 []
- InPrivate []
- IncidentTriangle []
- IncreaseIndent []
- IncreaseIndentMirrored []
- Info []
- Info2 []
- InfoSolid []
- InkingCaret []
- InkingColorFill []
- InkingColorOutline []
- InkingTool []
- InkingToolFill []
- InkingToolFill2 []
- Input []
- InsiderHubApp []
- InteractiveDashboard []
- Italic []
- ItalicC []
- ItalicI []
- ItalicK []
- ItalicKorean []
- ItalicRussian []
- Japanese []
- JpnRomanji []
- JpnRomanjiLock []
- JpnRomanjiShift []
- JpnRomanjiShiftLock []
- Key12On []
- Keyboard12Key []
- KeyboardBrightness []
- KeyboardClassic []
- KeyboardDismiss []
- KeyboardDock []
- KeyboardFull []
- KeyboardLeftAligned []
- KeyboardLeftDock []
- KeyboardLeftHanded []
- KeyboardLowerBrightness []
- KeyboardNarrow []
- KeyboardOneHanded []
- KeyboardRightAligned []
- KeyboardRightDock []
- KeyboardRightHanded []
- KeyboardSettings []
- KeyboardShortcut []
- KeyboardSplit []
- KeyboardStandard []
- KeyboardUndock []
- KnowledgeArticle []
- Korean []
- LEDLight []
- Label []
- LandscapeOrientation []
- LandscapeOrientationMirrored []
- LangJPN []
- LanguageChs []
- LanguageCht []
- LanguageJpn []
- LanguageKor []
- LaptopSecure []
- LaptopSelected []
- LargeErase []
- Layout []
- Leaf []
- LeaveChat []
- LeaveChatMirrored []
- LeftArrowKeyTime0 []
- LeftDoubleQuote []
- LeftQuote []
- LeftStick []
- Lexicon []
- Library []
- Light []
- LightningBolt []
- Like []
- LikeDislike []
- LineDisplay []
- Link []
- List []
- ListMirrored []
- Location []
- Lock []
- LockFeedback []
- LockScreenGlance []
- LockscreenDesktop []
- LowerBrightness []
- MagStripeReader []
- Mail []
- MailBadge12 []
- MailFill []
- MailForward []
- MailForwardMirrored []
- MailReply []
- MailReplyAll []
- MailReplyAllMirrored []
- MailReplyMirrored []
- Manage []
- MapCompassBottom []
- MapCompassTop []
- MapDirections []
- MapDrive []
- MapLayers []
- MapPin []
- MapPin2 []
- Marker []
- Marquee []
- Media []
- MediaStorageTower []
- Megaphone []
- Memo []
- Message []
- MicClipping []
- MicError []
- MicOff []
- MicOn []
- MicSleep []
- Microphone []
- MicrophoneListening []
- MiracastLogoSmall []
- MixVolumes []
- MobActionCenter []
- MobAirplane []
- MobBattery0 []
- MobBattery1 []
- MobBattery10 []
- MobBattery2 []
- MobBattery3 []
- MobBattery4 []
- MobBattery5 []
- MobBattery6 []
- MobBattery7 []
- MobBattery8 []
- MobBattery9 []
- MobBatteryCharging0 []
- MobBatteryCharging1 []
- MobBatteryCharging10 []
- MobBatteryCharging2 []
- MobBatteryCharging3 []
- MobBatteryCharging4 []
- MobBatteryCharging5 []
- MobBatteryCharging6 []
- MobBatteryCharging7 []
- MobBatteryCharging8 []
- MobBatteryCharging9 []
- MobBatterySaver0 []
- MobBatterySaver1 []
- MobBatterySaver10 []
- MobBatterySaver2 []
- MobBatterySaver3 []
- MobBatterySaver4 []
- MobBatterySaver5 []
- MobBatterySaver6 []
- MobBatterySaver7 []
- MobBatterySaver8 []
- MobBatterySaver9 []
- MobBatteryUnknown []
- MobBluetooth []
- MobCallForwarding []
- MobCallForwardingMirrored []
- MobDrivingMode []
- MobLocation []
- MobQuietHours []
- MobSIMError []
- MobSIMLock []
- MobSIMMissing []
- MobSignal1 []
- MobSignal2 []
- MobSignal3 []
- MobSignal4 []
- MobSignal5 []
- MobWifi1 []
- MobWifi2 []
- MobWifi3 []
- MobWifi4 []
- MobWifiHotspot []
- MobWifiWarning1 []
- MobWifiWarning2 []
- MobWifiWarning3 []
- MobWifiWarning4 []
- MobeSIM []
- MobeSIMBusy []
- MobeSIMLocked []
- MobeSIMNoProfile []
- MobileLocked []
- MobileSelected []
- MobileTablet []
- More []
- Mouse []
- MoveToFolder []
- Movies []
- MultiSelect []
- MultiSelectMirrored []
- MultimediaDMP []
- MultimediaDMS []
- MultimediaDVR []
- MultimediaPMP []
- Multitask []
- Multitask16 []
- MultitaskExpanded []
- MusicAlbum []
- MusicInfo []
- MusicNote []
- MusicSharing []
- MusicSharingOff []
- Mute []
- MyNetwork []
- NUIFPContinueSlideAction []
- NUIFPContinueSlideHand []
- NUIFPPressAction []
- NUIFPPressHand []
- NUIFPPressRepeatAction []
- NUIFPRollLeftAction []
- NUIFPRollLeftHand []
- NUIFPRollRightHand []
- NUIFPRollRightHandAction []
- NUIFPStartSlideAction []
- NUIFPStartSlideHand []
- NUIFace []
- NUIIris []
- Narrator []
- NarratorForward []
- NarratorForwardMirrored []
- NearbySharing []
- Network []
- NetworkAdapter []
- NetworkConnected []
- NetworkConnectedCheckmark []
- NetworkOffline []
- NetworkPrinter []
- NetworkSharing []
- NetworkTower []
- NewFolder []
- NewWindow []
- Next []
- NoiseCancelation []
- NoiseCancelationOff []
- OEM []
- OneBar []
- OpenFile []
- OpenFolderHorizontal []
- OpenInNewWindow []
- OpenLocal []
- OpenPane []
- OpenPaneMirrored []
- OpenWith []
- OpenWithMirrored []
- Orientation []
- OtherUser []
- OutlineHalfStarLeft []
- OutlineHalfStarRight []
- OutlineQuarterStarLeft []
- OutlineQuarterStarRight []
- OutlineStarLeftHalf []
- OutlineStarRightHalf []
- OutlineThreeQuarterStarLeft []
- OutlineThreeQuarterStarRight []
- PC1 []
- PINPad []
- PLAP []
- PPSFourLandscape []
- PPSFourPortrait []
- PPSOneLandscape []
- PPSOnePortrait []
- PPSTwoLandscape []
- PPSTwoPortrait []
- Package []
- Page []
- PageLeft []
- PageMarginLandscapeModerate []
- PageMarginLandscapeNarrow []
- PageMarginLandscapeNormal []
- PageMarginLandscapeWide []
- PageMarginPortraitModerate []
- PageMarginPortraitNarrow []
- PageMarginPortraitNormal []
- PageMarginPortraitWide []
- PageMirrored []
- PageRight []
- PageSolid []
- PaginationDotOutline10 []
- PaginationDotSolid10 []
- PanMode []
- ParkingLocation []
- ParkingLocationMirrored []
- ParkingLocationSolid []
- PartyLeader []
- PassiveAuthentication []
- PasswordKeyHide []
- PasswordKeyShow []
- Paste []
- Pause []
- PauseBadge12 []
- PaymentCard []
- PenPalette []
- PenPaletteMirrored []
- PenTips []
- PenTipsMirrored []
- PenWorkspace []
- PenWorkspaceMirrored []
- Pencil []
- PencilFill []
- People []
- PeriodKey []
- Permissions []
- PersonalFolder []
- Personalize []
- Phone []
- PhoneBook []
- Photo []
- Photo2 []
- Picture []
- PieSingle []
- Pin []
- PinFill []
- Pinned []
- PinnedFill []
- PinyinIMELogo []
- PlaceFolder []
- Play []
- Play36 []
- PlayBadge12 []
- PlayOn []
- PlaySolid []
- PlaybackRate1x []
- PlaybackRateOther []
- PlayerSettings []
- PointErase []
- PointEraseMirrored []
- PointerHand []
- PoliceCar []
- PostUpdate []
- PowerButton []
- PresenceChickletVideo []
- Preview []
- PreviewLink []
- Previous []
- Print []
- PrintAllPages []
- PrintCustomRange []
- PrintDefault []
- Printer3D []
- Printer3DLegacy []
- PrintfaxPrinterFile []
- Priority []
- Process []
- Processing []
- ProgressRingDots []
- Project []
- Projector []
- ProtectedDocument []
- Protractor []
- ProvisioningPackage []
- PuncKey []
- PuncKey0 []
- PuncKey1 []
- PuncKey2 []
- PuncKey3 []
- PuncKey4 []
- PuncKey5 []
- PuncKey6 []
- PuncKey7 []
- PuncKey8 []
- PuncKey9 []
- PuncKeyLeftBottom []
- PuncKeyRightBottom []
- Puzzle []
- QWERTYOff []
- QWERTYOn []
- QuarentinedItems []
- QuarentinedItemsMirrored []
- QuarterStarLeft []
- QuarterStarRight []
- QuickNote []
- QuietHours []
- QuietHoursBadge12 []
- Radar []
- RadioBtnOff []
- RadioBtnOn []
- RadioBullet []
- RadioBullet2 []
- Read []
- ReadingList []
- ReceiptPrinter []
- Recent []
- Record []
- RectangularClipping []
- RedEye []
- Redo []
- ReduceTile []
- ReduceTileMirrored []
- Refresh []
- Relationship []
- RememberedDevice []
- Reminder []
- ReminderFill []
- Remote []
- Remove []
- RemoveFrom []
- Rename []
- Repair []
- RepeatOne []
- Replay []
- Reply []
- ReplyMirrored []
- ReportDocument []
- ReportHacked []
- ResetDevice []
- ResetDrive []
- Reshare []
- ResizeMouseMedium []
- ResizeMouseMediumMirrored []
- ResizeMouseSmall []
- ResizeMouseSmallMirrored []
- ResizeMouseTall []
- ResizeMouseTallMirrored []
- ResizeMouseWide []
- ResizeTouchLarger []
- ResizeTouchNarrower []
- ResizeTouchNarrowerMirrored []
- ResizeTouchShorter []
- ResizeTouchSmaller []
- Resolution []
- ReturnKey []
- ReturnKeyLg []
- ReturnKeySm []
- ReturnToWindow []
- RevToggleKey []
- Rewind []
- RightArrowKeyTime0 []
- RightArrowKeyTime1 []
- RightArrowKeyTime2 []
- RightArrowKeyTime3 []
- RightArrowKeyTime4 []
- RightDoubleQuote []
- RightQuote []
- RightStick []
- Ringer []
- RingerBadge12 []
- RingerSilent []
- RoamingDomestic []
- RoamingInternational []
- Robot []
- Rotate []
- RotateCamera []
- RotateLegacy []
- RotateMapLeft []
- RotateMapRight []
- RotationLock []
- Ruler []
- SDCard []
- SIMError []
- SIMLock []
- SIMMissing []
- SIPMove []
- SIPRedock []
- SIPUndock []
- Safe []
- Save []
- SaveAs []
- SaveCopy []
- SaveLocal []
- Scan []
- ScreenTime []
- ScrollMode []
- ScrollUpDown []
- Search []
- SearchAndApps []
- SelectAll []
- SemanticZoom []
- Send []
- SendFill []
- SendFillMirrored []
- SendMirrored []
- Sensor []
- Set []
- SetSolid []
- SetTile []
- SetlockScreen []
- Settings []
- SettingsBattery []
- SettingsDisplaySound []
- Share []
- ShareBroadband []
- Shield []
- Shop []
- ShoppingCart []
- ShowAllFiles1 []
- ShowAllFiles3 []
- ShowBcc []
- ShowResults []
- ShowResultsMirrored []
- Shuffle []
- SignalBars1 []
- SignalBars2 []
- SignalBars3 []
- SignalBars4 []
- SignalBars5 []
- SignalError []
- SignalNotConnected []
- SignalRoaming []
- SignatureCapture []
- Size []
- SkipBack10 []
- SkipForward30 []
- SliderThumb []
- Slideshow []
- SlowMotionOn []
- SmallErase []
- Smartcard []
- SmartcardVirtual []
- Sort []
- SpatialVolume0 []
- SpatialVolume1 []
- SpatialVolume2 []
- SpatialVolume3 []
- Speakers []
- Speech []
- SpeedHigh []
- SpeedMedium []
- SpeedOff []
- StaplingLandscapeBookBinding []
- StaplingLandscapeBottomLeft []
- StaplingLandscapeBottomRight []
- StaplingLandscapeTopLeft []
- StaplingLandscapeTopRight []
- StaplingLandscapeTwoBottom []
- StaplingLandscapeTwoLeft []
- StaplingLandscapeTwoRight []
- StaplingLandscapeTwoTop []
- StaplingOff []
- StaplingPortraitBookBinding []
- StaplingPortraitBottomLeft []
- StaplingPortraitBottomRight []
- StaplingPortraitTopLeft []
- StaplingPortraitTopRight []
- StaplingPortraitTwoBottom []
- StaplingPortraitTwoLeft []
- StaplingPortraitTwoRight []
- StaplingPortraitTwoTop []
- StartPoint []
- StartPointSolid []
- StatusCheckmark []
- StatusCheckmark7 []
- StatusCheckmarkLeft []
- StatusCircle []
- StatusCircle7 []
- StatusCircleBlock []
- StatusCircleBlock2 []
- StatusCircleCheckmark []
- StatusCircleErrorX []
- StatusCircleExclamation []
- StatusCircleInfo []
- StatusCircleInner []
- StatusCircleLeft []
- StatusCircleOuter []
- StatusCircleQuestionMark []
- StatusCircleRing []
- StatusCircleSync []
- StatusConnecting1 []
- StatusConnecting2 []
- StatusDataTransfer []
- StatusDataTransferVPN []
- StatusDualSIM1 []
- StatusDualSIM1VPN []
- StatusDualSIM2 []
- StatusDualSIM2VPN []
- StatusError []
- StatusErrorCircle7 []
- StatusErrorFull []
- StatusErrorLeft []
- StatusExclamationCircle7 []
- StatusInfo []
- StatusInfoLeft []
- StatusPause7 []
- StatusSGLTE []
- StatusSGLTECell []
- StatusSGLTEDataVPN []
- StatusTriangle []
- StatusTriangleExclamation []
- StatusTriangleInner []
- StatusTriangleLeft []
- StatusTriangleOuter []
- StatusUnsecure []
- StatusVPN []
- StatusWarning []
- StatusWarningLeft []
- Sticker2 []
- StockDown []
- StockUp []
- Stop []
- StopPoint []
- StopPointSolid []
- StopSlideshow []
- Stopwatch []
- StorageNetworkWireless []
- StorageOptical []
- StorageTape []
- Streaming []
- StreamingEnterprise []
- Street []
- StreetsideSplitExpand []
- StreetsideSplitMinimize []
- StrokeErase []
- StrokeErase2 []
- StrokeEraseMirrored []
- Subtitles []
- SubtitlesAudio []
- SurfaceHub []
- SurfaceHubSelected []
- Sustainable []
- Swipe []
- SwipeRevealArt []
- Switch []
- SwitchApps []
- SwitchUser []
- Sync []
- SyncBadge12 []
- SyncError []
- SyncFolder []
- System []
- TVMonitor []
- TVMonitorSelected []
- Tablet []
- TabletMode []
- TabletSelected []
- Tag []
- TapAndSend []
- TaskView []
- TaskViewExpanded []
- TaskViewSettings []
- TaskbarPhone []
- ThisPC []
- ThoughtBubble []
- ThreeBars []
- ThreeQuarterStarLeft []
- ThreeQuarterStarRight []
- Tiles []
- TiltDown []
- TiltUp []
- TimeLanguage []
- ToggleBorder []
- ToggleFilled []
- ToggleThumb []
- TollSolid []
- ToolTip []
- Touch []
- TouchPointer []
- Touchpad []
- Touchscreen []
- Trackers []
- TrackersMirrored []
- TrafficCongestionSolid []
- TrafficLight []
- Train []
- TrainSolid []
- TreeFolderFolder []
- TreeFolderFolderFill []
- TreeFolderFolderOpen []
- TreeFolderFolderOpenFill []
- TriggerLeft []
- TriggerRight []
- Trim []
- TwoBars []
- TwoPage []
- Type []
- TypingIndicatorLegacy []
- USB []
- USBSafeConnect []
- Underline []
- UnderlineLKorean []
- UnderlineRussian []
- UnderlineS []
- UnderlineU []
- UnderscoreSpace []
- Undo []
- Unfavorite []
- Unit []
- Unknown []
- UnknownMirrored []
- Unlock []
- Unpin []
- UnsyncFolder []
- Up []
- UpArrowShiftKey []
- UpShiftKey []
- UpdateRestore []
- Upload []
- UserAPN []
- VPN []
- VerticalBattery0 []
- VerticalBattery1 []
- VerticalBattery10 []
- VerticalBattery2 []
- VerticalBattery3 []
- VerticalBattery4 []
- VerticalBattery5 []
- VerticalBattery6 []
- VerticalBattery7 []
- VerticalBattery8 []
- VerticalBattery9 []
- VerticalBatteryCharging0 []
- VerticalBatteryCharging1 []
- VerticalBatteryCharging10 []
- VerticalBatteryCharging2 []
- VerticalBatteryCharging3 []
- VerticalBatteryCharging4 []
- VerticalBatteryCharging5 []
- VerticalBatteryCharging6 []
- VerticalBatteryCharging7 []
- VerticalBatteryCharging8 []
- VerticalBatteryCharging9 []
- VerticalBatteryUnknown []
- Vibrate []
- Video []
- Video360 []
- VideoChat []
- VideoSolid []
- View []
- ViewAll []
- ViewDashboard []
- Volume []
- Volume0 []
- Volume1 []
- Volume2 []
- Volume3 []
- VolumeBars []
- Walk []
- WalkSolid []
- Warning []
- Webcam []
- Webcam2 []
- Website []
- Wheel []
- Wifi []
- Wifi1 []
- Wifi2 []
- Wifi3 []
- WifiAttentionOverlay []
- WifiCall0 []
- WifiCall1 []
- WifiCall2 []
- WifiCall3 []
- WifiCall4 []
- WifiCallBars []
- WifiError0 []
- WifiError1 []
- WifiError2 []
- WifiError3 []
- WifiError4 []
- WifiEthernet []
- WifiHotspot []
- WifiWarning0 []
- WifiWarning1 []
- WifiWarning2 []
- WifiWarning3 []
- WifiWarning4 []
- WindDirection []
- WindowsInsider []
- WiredUSB []
- WirelessUSB []
- Work []
- WorkSolid []
- World []
- XboxOneConsole []
- ZeroBars []
- Zoom []
- ZoomIn []
- ZoomMode []
- ZoomOut []
- eSIM []
- eSIMBusy []
- eSIMLocked []
- eSIMNoProfile []
- E80B []
- EA0D []
- EA3F []
- EA90 []
- EAC2 []
- EC6C []
- EEA3 []
- F2B7 []
- F5AA []
- F614 []
- F615 []
- F616 []
- F617 []
- F657 []
- F658 []
- F659 []
- F65A []
- F65B []
- F65C []
- F69E []
- F6FA []
- F712 []
- F71C []
- F71D []
- F71E []
- F738 []
- F739 []
- F73D []
- F73E []
- F73F []
- F740 []
- F741 []
- F742 []
- F743 []
- F744 []
- F745 []
- F746 []
- F785 []
- 500px []
- adn []
- amazon []
- android []
- angellist []
- apple []
- bandcamp []
- behance-square []
- behance []
- bitbucket []
- black-tie []
- bluetooth-b []
- bluetooth []
- btc []
- buysellads []
- cc-amex []
- cc-diners-club []
- cc-discover []
- cc-jcb []
- cc-mastercard []
- cc-paypal []
- cc-stripe []
- cc-visa []
- chrome []
- codepen []
- codiepie []
- connectdevelop []
- contao []
- css3 []
- dashcube []
- delicious []
- deviantart []
- digg []
- dribbble []
- dropbox []
- drupal []
- edge []
- eercast [&#x;]
- empire []
- envira []
- expeditedssl []
- facebook-official [&#x;]
- facebook []
- firefox []
- first-order []
- flickr []
- forumbee []
- foursquare []
- free-code-camp []
- get-pocket []
- gg []
- git [&#x;]
- github-alt []
- github []
- gitlab []
- glide-g []
- google-plus []
- google-wallet []
- google []
- gratipay []
- hacker-news []
- houzz []
- html5 []
- instagram []
- internet-explorer []
- ioxhost []
- joomla []
- jsfiddle []
- lastfm []
- leanpub []
- linkedin []
- linode []
- linux []
- maxcdn []
- meanpath [&#x;]
- medium []
- meetup []
- mixcloud []
- modx []
- odnoklassniki []
- opencart []
- openid []
- opera []
- optin-monster []
- pagelines []
- paypal []
- pied-piper-alt []
- pied-piper []
- pinterest-p []
- product-hunt []
- qq []
- quora []
- ravelry []
- rebel []
- reddit-alien []
- renren []
- safari []
- scribd []
- sellsy []
- shirtsinbulk []
- simplybuilt []
- skyatlas []
- skype []
- slack []
- slideshare []
- snapchat-ghost []
- soundcloud []
- spotify []
- stack-exchange []
- stack-overflow []
- steam []
- stumbleupon []
- superpowers []
- telegram []
- tencent-weibo []
- themeisle []
- trello []
- tripadvisor []
- tumblr []
- twitch []
- twitter [&#x;]
- viacoin []
- viadeo []
- vimeo []
- vine []
- vk []
- weibo []
- weixin []
- whatsapp []
- wikipedia-w []
- windows []
- wordpress []
- wpbeginner []
- wpexplorer []
- wpform [&#x;]
- xing []
- yahoo []
- yelp []
- yoast []
- youtube-play [&#x;]
- youtube []
- accessible-icon []
- accusoft []
- acquisitions-incorporated []
- adobe []
- adversal []
- affiliatetheme []
- algolia []
- alipay []
- amazon-pay []
- amilia []
- angrycreative []
- angular []
- app-store []
- app-store-ios []
- apper []
- apple-pay []
- artstation []
- asymmetrik []
- atlassian []
- audible []
- autoprefixer []
- avianex []
- aviato []
- aws []
- bimobject []
- bitcoin []
- bity []
- blackberry []
- blogger []
- blogger-b []
- buromobelexperte []
- canadian-maple-leaf []
- cc-amazon-pay []
- cc-apple-pay []
- centercode []
- centos []
- cloudscale []
- cloudsmith []
- cloudversify []
- confluence []
- cpanel []
- creative-commons []
- creative-commons-by []
- creative-commons-nc []
- creative-commons-nc-eu []
- creative-commons-nc-jp []
- creative-commons-nd []
- creative-commons-pd []
- creative-commons-pd-alt []
- creative-commons-remix []
- creative-commons-sa []
- creative-commons-sampling []
- creative-commons-sampling-plus []
- creative-commons-share []
- creative-commons-zero []
- critical-role []
- css3-alt []
- cuttlefish []
- d-and-d []
- d-and-d-beyond []
- deploydog []
- deskpro []
- dev []
- dhl []
- diaspora []
- digital-ocean []
- discord []
- discourse []
- dochub []
- docker []
- draft2digital []
- dribbble-square []
- dyalog []
- earlybirds []
- ebay []
- elementor []
- ello []
- ember []
- erlang []
- ethereum []
- etsy []
- facebook-f []
- facebook-messenger []
- facebook-square []
- fantasy-flight-games [&#x;]
- fedex []
- fedora []
- figma []
- first-order-alt []
- firstdraft []
- flipboard []
- fly []
- font-awesome []
- font-awesome-alt []
- font-awesome-flag []
- fonticons []
- fonticons-fi []
- fort-awesome []
- fort-awesome-alt []
- freebsd []
- fulcrum []
- galactic-republic []
- galactic-senate []
- gg-circle []
- git-square []
- github-square []
- gitkraken []
- gitter []
- glide []
- gofore []
- goodreads []
- goodreads-g []
- google-drive []
- google-play []
- google-plus-g []
- google-plus-square []
- grav []
- gripfire []
- grunt []
- gulp []
- hacker-news-square []
- hackerrank []
- hips [&#x;]
- hire-a-helper []
- hooli []
- hornbill []
- hotjar []
- hubspot []
- imdb []
- intercom []
- invision []
- itunes []
- itunes-note []
- java []
- jedi-order []
- jenkins []
- jira []
- joget []
- js []
- js-square []
- kaggle []
- keybase []
- keycdn []
- kickstarter []
- kickstarter-k []
- korvue []
- laravel []
- lastfm-square []
- less []
- line []
- linkedin-in []
- lyft []
- magento []
- mailchimp []
- mandalorian []
- markdown []
- mastodon []
- medapps []
- medium-m []
- medrt []
- megaport []
- mendeley []
- microsoft []
- mix []
- mizuni []
- monero []
- napster []
- neos []
- nimblr []
- nintendo-switch []
- node []
- node-js []
- npm []
- ns8 []
- nutritionix []
- odnoklassniki-square []
- old-republic []
- osi []
- page4 []
- palfed []
- patreon []
- penny-arcade []
- periscope []
- phabricator []
- phoenix-framework []
- phoenix-squadron []
- php []
- pied-piper-hat []
- pied-piper-pp []
- pinterest []
- pinterest-square []
- playstation []
- pushed []
- python []
- quinscape []
- r-project []
- raspberry-pi []
- react []
- reacteurope []
- readme []
- red-river []
- reddit []
- reddit-square []
- redhat []
- replyd []
- researchgate []
- resolving []
- rev []
- rocketchat []
- rockrms []
- sass []
- schlix []
- searchengin []
- sellcast []
- servicestack []
- shopware []
- sistrix []
- sith []
- sketch []
- slack-hash []
- snapchat []
- snapchat-square []
- sourcetree []
- speakap []
- squarespace []
- staylinked []
- steam-square []
- steam-symbol [&#x;]
- sticker-mule []
- strava []
- stripe []
- stripe-s []
- studiovinari []
- stumbleupon-circle []
- supple []
- suse []
- teamspeak []
- telegram-plane []
- the-red-yeti []
- themeco []
- think-peaks []
- trade-federation []
- tumblr-square []
- twitter-square []
- typo3 []
- uber [&#x;]
- ubuntu []
- uikit []
- uniregistry []
- untappd []
- ups []
- usb []
- usps []
- ussunnah []
- vaadin []
- viadeo-square []
- viber []
- vimeo-square []
- vimeo-v []
- vnv []
- vuejs []
- weebly []
- whatsapp-square []
- whmcs []
- wix []
- wizards-of-the-coast []
- wolf-pack-battalion []
- wordpress-simple []
- wpforms []
- wpressr []
- xbox []
- xing-square []
- y-combinator []
- yandex []
- yandex-international []
- yarn []
- youtube-square []
- zhihu []